CoLinear Spaces Zine

Winter Solstice Season Issue The word “colinear” refers to  having corresponding parts arranged in the same linear order. CoLinear Spaces will publish topics that don’t get much attention on mainstream media; but highly impact the lives of real people such as health and wellness, economics and finance, government and politics, education and learning. See this…

HetKaPtah Posting

Within AfRaKan Kemetism, there is a specific spirituality called Memphite Theology or HetKaPtah. Memphite Theology is Not a platform for a religion; and is not really a theology because it doesn’t serve as a belief system. Instead, Memphite Theology is actually a cosmology with ontology. HetKaPtah provides a practice for an existence and reality in…

Mass Formation Hypnosis?

In 2021, we witnessed the following: Fragmented connections within our social communities. Out of fear, (false evidence appearing real), “We” stopped being social-beings. It doesn’t make sense. From the continued “voting fraud” discussions, to the missing information about the virus attack; it’s just not adding up. Craziness in the media has caused “Free Floating Anxiety”…